
Nieuw bewijs dat Avandia een gevaarlijk medicijn is

Home Forums Medicijnen Waarschuwing over Avandia (diabetes medicijn) Nieuw bewijs dat Avandia een gevaarlijk medicijn is


Dat Avandia is nog steeds op de markt, ook in Nederland, zag ik :huh:

Two new studies point to risks for people taking the diabetes drug Avandia

Door Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Two teams of researchers have produced powerful new evidence that the diabetes drug Avandia increases the risk of heart problems and strokes, renewing questions about the safety of the medication.

One analysis, involving more than 35,500 people, found that Avandia significantly raises the chances of a heart attack. The second, a federal analysis of more than 227,500 Medicare patients — the largest such study to date — found that the drug boosts the risk for strokes, heart failure and death.

The new research, released Monday, should prompt the Food and Drug Administration to remove the drug from the market, according to the researchers who led the analyses and several drug-safety advocates.

“There’s no reason to keep this drug on the market,” said Steven E. Nissen, a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist who conducted one of the analyses and has long criticized the drug. “This is a harmful drug.”


In one of the new analyses, Nissen and a colleague pooled data from 56 studies involving 35,531 people, including 19,509 who took Avandia. In a paper released online by the Archives of Internal Medicine, the researchers concluded that the drug increased the risk for heart attacks from 28 percent to 39 percent. The pair calculated that the drug would cause one heart attack among every 37 to 52 people who used it for five years.

In the second analysis, Graham and his colleagues analyzed Medicare records for 227,571 people who took either Avandia or another diabetes drug called Actos from 2006 to 2009.

They found that those who took Avandia were 27 percent more likely to have a stroke, 25 percent more likely to develop heart failure and 14 percent more likely to die during the study period than were those who took Actos.

Based on the findings, released online by the Journal of the American Medical Association, the researchers estimated that there would be one heart attack, death, stroke or heart failure in every 60 people who took the drug for one year.

Van elke 60 mensen die Avandia 1 jaar slikken overkomt 1 van hen een hartaanval, een beroerte, hartfalen of sterfte.

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