
Hartproblemen door ziekte van Lyme (Borreliose)

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    Een overzichtje van bekende, mogelijke hart-symptomen door infectie met Borrelia (ziekte van LYme)
    de (bron)literatuurverwijzingen per symptoom staan onderaan vermeld:

    Cardiovascular manifestations of Lyme disease often
    occur within 21 days of exposure and include fluctuating degrees of
    atrioventricular (AV) block, acute myopericarditis or mild left
    ventricular dysfunction and rarely
    cardiomegaly (hartvergroting) or fatal pericarditis.

    AV block can vary from first-, second-, third-degree heart block, to
    junctional rhythm and asystolic pauses.” (1)

    “Heart involvement was…
    sometimes accompanied by
    meningoencephalitis, facial palsy,
    arthritis” (3)

    Manifestaties met verwijzing naar de literatuur:
    acute coronary syndrome (8)
    acute myopericarditis (2) (3)
    atrial flutter/fibrillation (6)
    heart block (2) (3)
    cardiomegaly (2) (3)
    congestive heart failure (9)
    myocardial conduction abnormalities (5)
    pancarditis (2)
    pericardial effusion (4)
    tachycardia (7)
    ventricular dysfunction (3)

    (1) Complete heart block due to Lyme carditis.
    Lo R; Menzies DJ; Archer H; Cohen TJ.
    Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 15(6):367-9. 2003.

    (2) Clinical manifestations of Lyme disease.
    Steere AC; Bartenhagen NH; Craft JE; Hutchinson GJ; Newman JH; Pachner AR; Rahn DW;
    Sigal LH; Taylor E; Malawista SE.
    Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie, und Hygiene – Series A, Medical Microbiology,
    Infectious Diseases, Virology, Parasitology. 263(1-2):201-5. 1986.

    (3) Lyme carditis: cardiac abnormalities of Lyme disease.
    Steere AC; Batsford WP; Weinberg M; Alexander J; Berger HJ; Wolfson S; Malawista SE.
    Annals of Internal Medicine, 93(1):8-16. 1980.

    (4) First description of recurrent pericardial effusion associated with borrelia burgdorferi
    Gasser R; Horn S; Reisinger E; Fischer L; Pokan R; et al.
    International Journal of Cardiology, 64(3):309-310. 1998.

    (5) Erythema chronicum migrans and Lyme arthritis. The enlarging clinical spectrum.
    Steere AC; Malawista SE; Hardin JA; Ruddy S; Arskenase W; Andiman WA.
    Annals of Internal Medicine, 86(6):685-98. 1977.

    (6) Borrelia burgdorferi infection in patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction.
    Oksi J; Voipio-Pulkki L-M; Uksila J; Pulkki K; Laippala P; Viljanen MK.
    Lancet, 350(9089):1447-8. 1997.

    (7) Treatment of the early manifestations of Lyme disease.
    Steere AC; Hutchinson GJ; Rahn DW; Sigal LH; Craft JE; DeSanna ET; Malawista SE.
    Annals of Internal Medicine, 99(1):22-6. 1983.

    (8) [Lyme disease presenting as infarction pain. A case report].
    Meimoun P, Sayah S, Benali T, Bore AL, Bailly J, Beausoleil J, Jeleff C, Maitre B.
    Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss, 94(12):1419-22. 2001.

    (9) Cardiac manifestations of Lyme disease: a review.
    Nagi KS; Joshi R; Thakur RK.
    Can J Cardiol., 12(5):503-6. 1996.

    Voor een overzicht van de vele andere, mogelijke symptomen: Zie:

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